J2534 Pass-Thru OBD2 Device software version:
Multi-di@g office I-2010(19.06)
How to get Multi-di@g J2534 Pass-Thru OBD2 Device activation code
If you bought multi-di@g access j2534 interface from China, like http://www.obd365.com/, when you setup the software, it asks you to activate the software, then one note you need to remember is that you should set the VCI serial number as “A070026”, please check the steps as follows:
1. During installation, when Multi-Di@g configuration window appears, you should set Communication interface to USB and set VCI serial number to A070026.
2. 4 days remaining, press the green button.
3. You will see a new window show a code begins with the ID19-…. Please contact us with the code (ID19-...), then we will send you back a password, and you enter it under the “password” form as follow:
4. During the diagnostic with the device connected, warning about 0 days left will appear. Just checkthe mark “Do not display this message again” and continue the work, everything will be ok.
Visit obd365.com technical service website http://www.obd365.com/service/ and get more detail information about the software activation of multi diag access j2534.
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